Apr 01

That Went Well. Then I Opened My Mouth.

Was getting ready to leave to drive to Olympia to get my new Old Guy National Parks Forever pass and stopped in the bedroom to kiss SWMBO Adios.

She says “I won’t be here when you get back.”

I says “Well, my new girlfriend will have some mighty big shoes to fill.”

And she says “I’m going to Nita’s for the day to crochet and visit. And my feet aren’t that big.”

But she was still here when I got back (2+ hours later). “How can I miss you if you won’t leave?” asks I.

So, nice day today. Gotta be 55+ degrees out there. Almost a get naked day for the Northwest. Even saw some convertibles with their tops down on the way home from Shelton. (Still a mite too cool for me to roll the window down for long. Old Guy.) Pretty ride along the South Shore road though. Our portion of the Sound was looking pretty good.

Got out and dug up/pushed over one of the small tree’s lining my driveway so I can start to plant SWMBO’s rose bushes. Tired. Each main trunk of the tree was only about 6″ thick. I shouldn’t be this fagged. (Can we still say that? Does it still mean really tired out?) Danged roots were the hardest part. Hence the digging. In case y’all have never done that.

Shoveled up a lot of the pebbles in my front flower bed and stuffed it into the potholes in the driveway. I’m thinking Condo now; where I wouldn’t have to do that kind of stuff. (I could no more move into the “city” than I could convince SWMBO to move to Southern Arizona. Already my neighbors are too close and I can’t even see them half the time.)

Got some of the yard refuse burned. Love that smell. (Unless it’s the forest behind us on fire. Then I don’t. Ah, summer!)

Made some cabbage soup using chicken bone stock. Smells funny. Haven’t tasted it yet. I like trying new stuff, but, sometimes …

About half-way through book 4 of 5 of the “Long Earth” series. Man learns to step to alternate Earths. No other humans though. Could almost be boring but I do believe in the MultiVerse so it’s interesting to me. Yes, Aliens too. (Demons too if you’ve ever met my Ex-.)

A Quote From A Story On Fox News About Fauci (The Fake):

STEVE DEACE: Never has someone had more power in the history of this republic to be more wrong than Anthony Fauci. And Tucker, stop and think about it and everybody in your audience, everyone, every life, every home, every family, every school, every church, every business, all have had their lives impacted or turned upside down by someone they didn’t cast a single vote for. And yet we sit here and he has no accountability, a track record of failure over and over and over again. And in our book, we wanted to beg and ask some of the questions that are long overdue of one Anthony Fauci. 

We talk about the FOIA requests that Judicial Watch just successfully got in The Daily Caller from Fauci, his bureaucracy and back and forth communications with the Chinese government. But that’s just one of a myriad of bad questions. (On) February 28th [2020], Fauci wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that when he analyzed the data for COVID-19, he thought it would just be about as bad as a pandemic level flu. And then 11 days later, he went to Congress and told everybody this is going to be Captain Trips and that’s what shut the country down.

If you look at the data now as we sit here today, the case fatality rate is 1.8%. The infection fatality rate, if you look at CDC, says we have ten times more cases than we’ve tested. That would put it at .18%. His original cautious and modest estimations have turned out to be true. So then why did he abandon those for the fear porn we’ve seen the past year? We must get answers to questions like that. What changed from what he wrote on February 28th and maybe the most esteemed publication, medical publication in the country to then what he told Congress, what changed those 11 days? Because it changed the fate of America. (End Quote)

Personally, I don’t know why y’all continue to listen to Fauci. Physician-scientist and immunologist who serves as the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) My ass. Just because he’s an immunologist doesn’t mean he knows anything about infectious diseases; even if he is the director. Next he’ll be selling snake oil on a corner.

Mar 31

Beverly Hillbillies Marathon

Season 01 had 36 episodes and am now into s02e02. And, sometimes, they are funnier than hell! It’s so cool to see many many actors that we all used to know what the hell their names were. Saw Sharon Tate and Joi Lansing for gosh sake. (Both teenage throbs. Guys’ll get it.)

The “Entertainment Center” in the new RV is a … Boss Audio Systems Tube. It pairs with your phone and plays music. Or you can copy files to a SD Card and it’ll play directly from that. Works just fine but seems kind of chincy. And will probably never really be used anyway. We do most everything on our laptops or phones and not a lot of that is just music playing. Although I do play music all day sometimes. Guess I’m not used to a music specific device anymore.

Lost/Misplaced my Old Guy National Parks Forever Pass. Figure the best way to find it is to buy a new one. So I get to drive to Olympia (about an hour there – hour back) today. They cost $80 now! When I got the first one they were $10. Still worth it even the first time we go to a National Park. I can get me and 3 other’s (in my vehicle) in “free.” Will help a lot on our Grand Canyon trip.

Y’all see where Biden is going to raise taxes to fund his “once-in-a-century” $2 TRILLION spending plan? Instead of just letting you keep your money (a whole other convo!) he’s going to take a lot of it to give you back some of it. Where the Hell do y’all think your “stimulus” money comes from? You are never going to get back as much as the Government takes. (Look at Social Security.) Now they’re talking about regular “stimulus” payments. Does that mean regular increased taxes to pay for them? You bet it does!

Democrats are like painting nipples on chicken breasts. May look okay but is rather useless and not a particularly good idea. Dipshidiots. And y’all really don’t want to get me started on Universal Basic Income. (There goes your $1600/mo Social Security for $500/mo Basic Income. Just watch.)

I gotta admit though; Democrats are much better at actually DOING than Republicans are. Republicans are like Microsoft used to be: lots of promises about how good it’s going to be, but not a lot of follow-up or actual production. Our Democrat employee’s (for that is what they are supposed to be) find what they want and will do anything (anything) to get it. Our Republican employee’s, on the other hand, hem and haw and aw shucks their way to nothing.

I used to identify as Libertarian (but not those we don’t need ANY Government Libertarians) but am thinking of switching to Agnostician. (Someone who doesn’t really believe in Political Party’s but am willing to be converted if you make some fucking sense.)

Sometimes I wish I was going to be around for another 100 years just to see how all this turns out.

Mar 29

Nother Sunday Of Rain & Wind

It’s almost like we live in Western WaRshington or somethin’! It is WET out there! High winds warning 1200-1800 (or so). Sometimes the rain looks like really thick raindrops or really thin snow. (Which could happen later tonight. Snow.) Ah, well. Just staying inside getting things done.

Made a chicken breast the way I like it then sliced it into lunch meat for the week. Took the 40+ keys I had hanging on the garage wall and actually found 3 that would open something. Put the rest in a plastic bag and stuck it into a drawer of my tool box. Moved some more stuff into the new RV. Swept and actually picked up the pile instead of just sweeping it into a corner and thinking I’ll pick it up later. Crushed cans. Lots of little jobs.

Making Fried Chicken, mashed, & pseudo-succotash for dinner. One of these days I’ll make some lovely young lady a great wife. (Read that how you may.)

I see where the Biden Admin is begging for government volunteers to help at the border. But it still isn’t a crisis. Sent off an e-mail asking for pictures before I made up my mind to volunteer or not. I expect both to be headlined on the “Do Not Fly Or Allow To Cross State Lines” list AND for black SUV’s to show up in my driveway.

And WHY does anyone still listen to Fauci? This guys got his head so far up his ass he’ll never see daylight again. I have 20 years Navy Medicine and have more medical knowledge in my foreskin than Fauci has in his whole body. Dipshidiot.

Hate being stuck inside. Dog and I did still go for our walk. We do that no matter the Wx everyday right about 0900. I’m especially religious about it since a neighbor told me not to walk down “his” street cause it upsets his dog. Like I’d do anything someone half my age (if that) tells me to do. Unless we’re sleeping together. Which we’re not. Not my type. Monday I’m going to go down “his” street twice a day. Hell, I’ve been doing this particular walk almost 11 years and 2 dogs.

Took the Dog for a tour of the back 40. We lost another tree to the wind. Looks like it was pretty rotten in any case. Glad it came down when there was no one (meaning ME (and the Dog)) around to get clobbered by the thing.

Bored. Making Banana Nut & Blueberry muffins. Not mixed. Three of each. Although that doesn’t sound too bad. I may try that some day.

Got my meds doled out into their little daily compartments so I know which to take when. I hate getting old.

Oh, forgot I still have Redneck Mormon up and running. (See what I mean about getting old!) I used to post my political rants there all the time but kind of fell out of the habit (as it were). Maybe I ought to take it up again. (Not that anything I posted was Earth shattering or anything. At least I’m a vocal conservative.)

Mar 24

It Woiks!

Turns out the directions for the buc aren’t quite as precise as they might outta be. When you have to RTFM it should tell you what you need to know to achieve a specific outcome.
In the manual: short the power out and adjust output current.
NOT in manual: turn buc off. (short) Turn buc on. (adjust).
But maybe it’s just me. So far the Pi3 is pulling 5v at .5a so that battery should last about 15 hours (being a 16ah battery and all) before the battery voltage drops too far to run anything. We’ll see.