Oct 22

Time To Reinstall Lock-On. Because.

Everything was going pretty good and as usual this morning. Until about 0730 when my head starting hurting. No idea why except it was raining kinda hard. Damned thing lasted about 3 hours, and a good head freeze, before finally going away. Left me pretty useless for the rest of the day though. Just can’t work up the gumption to actually do anything.


So I did my usual chores and damned little else. Did make a run to the Post Office (wait a minute) and made myself fried chicken, mashed taters, & Peas for dinner. (Damn! Those homegrown peas were good! Warmed just enough to eat.)

Last Wednesday (or so) I sent my Father-In-Law a USB drive in an envelope. The guy at the Post Office said it couldn’t be run through their sorter and charged me extra ($.98) because it would have to be hand stamped. Yesterday I get a call from my Father-In-Law that the envelope had arrived but it was empty. Nice little hole in the rear of it where a USB drive could have probably slipped out. Oh, someone must have run it through the automatic sorter!


So I told the lady at the Post Office this (sob) story. What the answer boils down to is: “You can write this address but it probably won’t do any good. Sorry about that.” Well, Thank You USPS. Not even an offer to replace the USB drive because I didn’t insure it. (Never had to before. Always worked.)

No, I ‘m not really upset that it was lost. I’m upset because the USPS foisted it off on me to search for the thing. The $15 the USB cost (new. Some time ago) isn’t really important. It’s that USPS Customer Support is so crappy that I have to do their job. And they wonder why they’re going broke.


Not much else going on. (See first paragraph.) MCARC Wednesday 2-meter Chat Net later. Will probably go to bed early tonight. (Although I’m starting to wonder if it ain’t that damned bed causing the headaches. I just can’t get quite comfortable on it. I sometimes miss my waterbed.)

Bought Ashampoo’s Burning Studio 14 cause it was $9. Threw in their Aquarium screensaver cause it was only $2 and I like aquariums. Bought the Burning Studio because it also makes .iso files from your stuff.

Our Lovely Wx Today.

Oh, yeah. Lock-On. Haven’t re-installed it since rebuilding my computer and I don’t know why. Like the program and wish they made an updated version. I like flying combat and setting up scenarios and watching the chosen planes/tanks/whatever fight it out. And you never know quite how it’ll turn out.

Oct 21

Finally Made That Dump Run

In the rain, of course. This is October and this is also WaRshington so it just had to be raining. I actually got soaked dropping off 3 bags of plastics that we’ve been saving for a rainy day. So it worked out then. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be wetter and windier and generally crappy Wx, so I’m going to drop off glass. Or Not.


Not much else going on. Moving computers around and generally getting things straightened up. Didn’t want to add another computer to the power bill, so thought I’d make the computer I have set up just for scanning documents (wasn’t hooked to the network at all) to also be the print server (which means hooking it up to the network). That’s turning into a pain in the ass. Windows XP (which I like) normally works great; however, the internet connection is so slow right now that it was going to take an hour to download a 738kb file. Too slow. So I downloaded them on my computer and usb drived them over. And they didn’t work. Of Course.

Exercise. We Must All Exercise!

So I’m going to get to spend too much time on this computer after all. Maybe I ought to just go ahead and install Windows 7 on the thing. Or Linux Mint. But will Linux Mint support my old asses scanner? Hmmm.


Talked with my friend down Vista, CA way on 14.342 usb. He came in real good but was “bragging” about using 500 watts. I was doing S7 on 50 watts. Somewhere it says we aren’t supposed to use more power than we really need for the contact. Not that I’m getting on my friends case; I’m just wondering how I do well on  50 what takes him 500. Antenna? ESP?

Had several more people start to “follow” my Redneck Mormon blog over the past couple of days. Don’t know why they’d want to follow an old guy on a rant to save America, but glad they do. Now if I could just get everyone to support my bid for Dictator!

The MCARC 10-meter Chat Net went well. Lots of QRM(? Noise) though.

Oct 20

No Rest At All Last Night!

Woke up at 0245 with a headache so bad I had to freeze my brain. Man, that hurt. I don’t know what I did differently yesterday evening to bring on a real pounder; I usually watch for and avoid “triggers” that I know will cause a headache. Hell, it could be my reaction to rain moving back in. (As I really do think my head is sensitive to barometric changes.) So I didn’t get up at my usual time and missed my morning smooch from my schweetie.
vlcsnap-00008The only things I can figure that I did, that I don’t usually do, was use my laptop (screen refresh rate?) and consume a “sour patch” gummy bear (which is like pouring straight UN-sweetened kool-aid into your mouth). I can give up the gummy bears.
salma_hayek_gifSo, may day was pretty much shot because of the post-headache “Who Gives A Shit” attitude I get after a really bad one. It’s actually not that I don’t give a shit, I’m unable to work up enough  caring to give a shit. You’ve heard of “The Blah’s?” Yep.
oneDid manage to get my usual chores done. Burned a bit of the trash. Made rice krispie treats for SWMBO. Unhooked my antenna’s when the downpour started. Reattached them when it stopped.