Mar 26

Why Can’t I Have A Normal Monday?

Got up early. S-S-S. Well, didn’t -S cause it’s monday. Did get out to the property by 0930. I made a ‘thing’ with my space heater to attach to the water line and run heated air through it. Had to take the generator. It worked great though! Heated the one end so much it melted but the whole pipe got warm enough for me to lay it like it was supposed to be laid. I did mess up a bit though; I started to fill in the trench at the top (to kind of hold the water pipe in place) and forgot to lay the phone and cable lines. Damn! Luckily I remembered before I got too far and will have to dig out only 8 feet or so to bury them. Ran the second line of water pipe only to find I don’t have the right connection to, well, connect the two pieces. Damn!
I kept getting caught in those “occasional, rare” rain showers we were supposed to have today. Rained enough that it got kind of slippery in the trench. About 1330 I was soaked and muddy from head to toe so I said “To Heck With It” (actually, I think it was closer to something like “F**K THIS”! But don’t quote me), packed up and came on home.
The season ender for Battlestar Galactica last night was KILLER KILLER KILLER!!! Apollo’s speach during the trial (really nice!) then exposing the next 5 models of the Cylons (Col. Tighe?! Chief Terril?!) who didn’t know they were Cylons. The ending music was great! Starbuck coming back as a Cylon and is going to lead them to Earth; Man! Too bad the show won’t be back until 2008. 2008! That’s at least 9 months from now! What the hell is wrong with you people?!? Ah well. I’ve already downloaded last nights episode and watched it twice!

Mar 24

What A Lazy Sit On My Ass Day…

Went to bed about 0100 this AM but just could NOT get to sleep. Finally at 0430 I just went ahead and got up. Was watching tv and I remember seeing the time as 0620 and the next thing I know its 1000. Wha? Then I was sitting and eating breakfast when our landlord knocked on the door and said the water was going to be out for an hour or so. So I didn’t get to take my shower until after 1300.
Aside from a trip to Albertson’s for cereal (and stuff. $40 worth of stuff!) and Home Depot I’ve been playing around on this computer and watching what I have of season 6 of Smallville. That’s like 8 or 9 episodes so far. Damn, what a productive day! Well, I couldn’t get out to the property because it has been REALLY raining today. And other than maybe doing some vacuuming most of the housework is already done. Wait, I still have a load of laundry in the dryer. Cool! 🙂

Mar 23

My Trench & Wire Passed…

the electrical inspection. Cool! The Inspector told me to make damn sure that there are no sharp edged rocks against the wire because over time the wire will be cut. Wants me to walk down the trench and pull about 6 inches of clean dirt (clean dirt?) over the top of the wire before backfilling. I can do that. I actually do (most times) listen to the experts.
Got out at the property about 0900 and started trying to stretch out the water pipe. By the time Brian (our son) showed up I was pretty much soaked to the skin, muddy from head to toe and tired. Rain didn’t let up either. We mostly stretched the water pipe out using a blow torch to heat the pipe and a lot of muscle. But by noon I had had enough and called it a day. We’re supposed to get some nicer weather in a couple of days and we’ll meet back out there and finish it. I may have to rent a smaller excavator to do the backfill. At $185/day it’s cheaper than Bob the dirt guy.
I was SO muddy I thought about driving home naked. But then I got a look at the inside of my truck and figured it wouldn’t make that much difference! Got home, stripped and jumped into a hot shower to get warmed up and I’ve just been sitting around (well, if you don’t count doing some laundry, dishes, fixing dinner and straightening up) watching tv. Finally got off my ass and built a fire; was getting kind of cool in here.
That’s it.

Mar 22

Damn, I Am SO Sore!

Got up at 0600 and was out of the house shortly after 0700. Stopped by the rental place and rented a trencher. I’ve never operated one before and I probably never will again! Man, that thing is a trenching fool but harder than hell to turn. After putting in about 50 feet of trench I was drenched with sweat. But it worked; now the water goes around the area where we wanted to work today.
Finished with the trencher about 0930, loaded it up on the trailer and took it back to the rental place. Only cost $100. Not too bad. Got back to the property just in time to follow Bob up the hill.
We spent the next 5 hours digging a trench from the dome hole to where the transformer is going in. While Bob trenched I pulled the wire (damn that stuff gets heavy!) and tried to unroll the water line. Not an easy job! The water line was really too cold to unroll easily so it got only about half done. If that. And one of Bob’s pistons sprung a leak and was shooting hydraulic fluid all over the place. Bummer.
Finished up about 1530 and by the time I got home I was so sore I almost fell getting out of the truck! I’m getting too damned old for this stuff! Took a long hot shower and have just been sitting around watching tv. Smallville was pretty good tonight.