Jul 13

Ma Dawg Got Foo-Foo’d!

melissa1aBut it was time for his summer haircut. So I dropped him off at the Foo-Foo place at 0930. He didn’t want to go. He didn’t want to stay. And when I picked him up a few minutes ago, HE was leading me to the truck. He’s smater than he looks.
So I took him for a walk around the property and gave him a cookie for his troubles.
Not a whole lot going on; again. Made a trip to COSTCO in Silverdale to get SWMBO some yogurt; and they didn’t have the kind we got last time. So I got a different brand to give a try. If she doesn’t like it, I’ll eat it. Except the Peach. Purely can’t stand Peach drinks/foods. (But I like to eat fresh Peaches right off the tree. Go figure.) Deathly Hypoallergenic to that stuff.
Worked on my raised-bed planters some. Need to stop by ACE Hardware for some staple-thingies to attach the chicken wire to the uprights, but they’re mostly done. Time to buy some dirt. Past time to get something planted!
Think I’ll watch the Warehouse 13 Pilot and go to bed.

Jul 12

I Must Be Gonna Win The Lotto!

Bounce009I mean, I had a can of Clam Chowder for dinner and actually had two (Two!) pieces of clam that I had to chew. TWO! I’m gonna go get my Lotto ticket before they run out.

Not a whole hell of a lot going on around here. Sun comes out. Sun hides. Comes out. Hides. But at least it hasn’t rained yet. I actually did get outside and mow the front-lower and back yards. And most of our walking path. Then me and the Dog took off all our clothes and walked the path using the clippers to trim back some of the stuff trying to overgrow.

Got that done, and decided to take a break and just lounge in the sun. UPS showed up with some packages for our Renters. I didn’t get up to greet him. “You can just pile those on the front steps.”

wwc7aAmazon Prime: sent me a message yesterday that “we tried delivering your package but was unable to …” ??? NOT! I was home all day, took a shower at 0730, so I wouldn’t miss the delivery. I never saw a delivery truck of any kind. Even when I went to check the mail.

So, had a “pink slip” in the mailbox; which meant I had to drive to the Post Office in town to get my package. So, technically, my order was delivered. But not to my house. Which is what I thought I was paying for with Prime (or any delivery). So, yeah, you get two-day delivery, after 2-3 days of “handling”, and you have to go to the Post Office to get it. (Honestly, some wind up on my doorstep. Some I have to go to the Post Office. And I haven’t figured out how/why that happens.)


Installed Windows 7 finally. Had to scavage a dvd drive to do it though. Luckily I had one in the basement. Installed just fine but won’t authenticate, yet. Started installing some “stuff” to play with. Thinking of letting it “upgrade” to Windows 10 just to see what Windows 10 is like. Luckily I won’t be keeping any personal information on that computer.

MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Evening Chat Net went really well. Most everyone had nice signals. I even heard KC7WNJ tonight! Really Unusual. That 6-80 dipole I got works really well if you get it tuned right.

And that’s it. Nice day. SWMBO is home which makes it even nicer. Think I’ll go lay down and read.

Jul 10

Still Ripping CD’s For SWMBO Too.

lil07aAmazon Prime. Not sure, really, how it works. I joined it because I was beginning to order a lot of stuff from Amazon, and the thought of free, 2 day, shipping (if the item qualified) was appealing. I’ve easily spent the equivilent of the Prime membership fee in shipping fee’s over the past year or so. But, I have yet to receive anything in 2 days. It usually takes 2-3 days just to pull the order and get it ready for shipping. Maybe I just don’t understand …

Like, according to the message I got the other day, my latest order was supposed to be here by 2000 Sunday (today). Deliver on Sunday? But that’s what the message said. Still haven’t seen it though. Message not withstanding. So, maybe I don’t understand.

bwb10aPretty normal Sunday around here. Spent the day trying to get that computer I threw together to boot from USB; which it will as long as I only want to run Linux Mint KDE Live. Nothing else will boot. And Linux Live locks up just after checking to see if there is enough space on the hard drive and is connected to the Net. Doesn’t really lock up; it just won’t advance any farther. Think I’m going to remove all but one drive and try again.

SWMBO made dinner and we fed the Missionaries. It was good. (Dinner. Not the Missio.. Wait, they’d have to be good too or they wouldn’t be Missionaries.) But dinner was good!

The MCARC Sunday Evening 2-meter Chat Net went well. Only 4 or 5 check-ins but still interesting. Still, I’m glad AE7VT took it over.

Rained off and on all day but I managed to get some burning done. This will be the Summer that Didn’t Happen. Just you watch.

Jul 09

Vulcan Vivisectionist Visits Villa Via Verona

Figures That The Only Red-Shirt To Survive A Fight Would Be A Good Looking Blond Female!

Pretty normal second Saturday of the month so far. Got up early and headed out to Shelton for the MCARC meeting. It was okay. Still nothing decided about much of anything; but that’s the way the Club works. And our “new” repeater is still being tested! It’ll probably be in “testing” four years from now.

Just playing around and watching Season 2 of the original Star Trek while waiting on SWMBO to get home and take me out for dinner. Waiting on a package from Amazon with my new through-the-windows 144/440 antenna and a Can Crusher. All that’s supposed to be here today; if Amazon Prime Membership means anything. Still not sure how that’s supposed to work; I’ve yet to order anything and get it in 2 days. Half the time it takes 2 days for them to even pull the order and get it ready for shipping.


And it’s still raining off and on. Joy.

My Lovely-Young-Bride of almost 30 years got home, then took me to Sisters Restaurant in Shelton for dinner. Tried something called Chicken Marsala. Yuck. Think I’ll stick to the chili burger and fries from now on. Was thinking of fish but didn’t like their selection. Ah well. SWMBO enjoyed her dinner though.

Then we stopped by a quilt shop and I let her browse a bit before heading to Walmart. Where we spent way too much mondy. I cannot pass the blu-ray bin! This time I got 3 of the X-Men movies. She got herself some new clothes cause she’s lost 2 pant sizes: Woo Woo! Proud of her.

lil06aSo we be home now. Except she just left to go to Safeway cause she finds she needs some oatmeal to make peanut butter oatmeal cookies. She should be back in a few.

Anyway, cookies are cooling on the counter top. SWMBO is off in her room trying to find a video for her class at church tomorrow. I think this Old Guy is going to go lay down and read. Since it’s already well over an hour later than I usually do that. Weekend!

Y’all hve fun!