Apr 07

Anyone Have A Radiator For A ‘69 JD350 Dozer?

Cause I really could use one. Closest I can find on is in Witchitaw or Michigan and they want $1300 PLUS shipping for it. Damn! Hope the radiator guy can recore it monday. Gotta be cheaper.
Damn, looks like we’ve had our summer! Yesterday was again the nicest day. Took Kathy to breakfast at the Family Pancake House in Port Orchard. Worked around the house until about 1800. Went out for a light dinner at Wendy’s and some shopping at Walmart & Staples. Spent more than our usual at Safeway on the way home. Spent the rest of the evening watching tv.
Today was a rainy kind of day. Much cooler than yesterday. Just worked around the house and scanned a bunch of things. Mostly DVD covers. Watched (sorta) 9 episodes of the Andy Griffiths Show featuring Barney. War Of The Worlds (both). And that’s about my day….

See what my dozer looks like right now? Had to use that engine lifter thingie to get that heavy assed front end off. Also went to Pape Machinery and spent $165 on gasgets for the ram thingie on the backhoe boom. Damn, I love technical language!

Apr 05

Damn, What A Nice Day!

It had to get up around 65 or so. Over 60 anyway. Never thought I’d think that a temperature over 60 would be nice. Poop Dog and I went out to the property to look for a part that fell off my dozer sometime but didn’t find it. Was really nice walking around the property though. Sunny. Warm. If I had had on my sandals that’s all I would have had on!
Not much else going on. MY computer is down right now. SWMBO bought me a new 400 gig drive while in Ohio (for $100!!) so I installed it into my computer this afternoon. Right now it’s transferring all the data from my old C: drive to the new one at 10% per hour. It’s been going over 5 hours now and says it’s copied 53%. So I got out SWMBO’s laptop and logged in. Cool!
And that’s about it. Was disappointed that Smallville was a rerun AGAIN. Will be next week also. I think they’re trying to kill the show. I really do. Too bad too because I really do like the show. Ah well….
Oops, Whose Line is on. Later!

Apr 04

Kinda Sorta A Slow Day For Me…

Got up early and took the radiator down to the radiator fixit place and dropped it off. The guy said he needed it for the day to pressure test it to see where it’s leaking. He didn’t call before the end of the day so I figure he either didn’t get to it OR it doesn’t leak at all and he doesn’t know how to tell me I’m a dork. You choose.
So, since SWMBO went into work today I did laundry and dishes and generally straightened up outside. Been working on my Cyber-Church.Org site.
Let me explain: About 1995-6 I paid for a year of web hosting (much more expensive back then) for my Dad to have his own website. He chose the name ‘cyber-church.com’ and started his own online ministry (Pentecostal) . Worked at it pretty good right up until he died Jan 2000. Since then a guy named Pastor Dick has been running the site. But, whenever I stop by I don’t see much “preaching” as much as I see ads and donation buttons. So, I decided to start ‘Cyber-Church.Org’ and post a years worth of my Dad’s sermons and notes and get away from the ‘commercialism’ and back to the basics.
Well, I couldn’t see it just sitting there static so I called a few local Pentecostal churches and offered them a free site for at least a year. AND I would do most of the webmaster stuff if they couldn’t find anyone else to do it. Several Pastor’s looked at me like I was crazy and chumped me off. After about a month Pastor Job of the Family Church of God Pentecostal, Inc said he’d like the site. So he got it. I just wish he’d DO something with it.
Anyway, I had a site up and a blog and forums and a photo gallery but nothing was (IS!) getting posted. I have 2000 e-mail addresses available for church members and only 3 are being used. It’s been that way for over 7 months now. Several times I’ve been ready to completely pull the plug on them and find someone else; but about the time I start to do that they contact me with Big Plans for the site. And still nothing gets done.
So, I figured maybe it was all a bit too much for them (they aren’t real compuer literate). Over the past couple of days I’ve gutted everything and gone to just a plain Simple Machines Forum program (SMF). I hope this is simple enough for them to start getting involved. I think the new site looks a bit more professional too. I’m installing extra things (mods) to extend the functionality and (hopefully) make it even easier to use. We’ll see.
If you’re interested the site is cyber-church.org. What is a real surprise to me is that I’m not particularly religious…

Apr 03

Man, I’ve Been Busy!

Last Sunday Bob (the Dirt Guy) and I spent almost all day getting his trailer unstuck out at a job he’s doing, then getting out to the property and loading my dozer on the trailer; then getting it unloaded at my house! Got it done though! What a trip!
Monday I spent about 6 hours just washing the dozer with my power washer. I was plenty greasy and muddy by the time I finished for the day! Was so tired I took Kathy out for Teryaki Chicken instead of cooking for us.
Today I spent all day getting the damned radiator out of the dozer. I mean ALL day. Had to borrow a “cherry picker” (engine lifter thingie) from the garage next door; then I had to borrow a 1″ socket. Turned out I needed 2 1″ sockets so I wound up going to the auto parts place and buying a complete large socket set. Meaning the sockets are larger than you normally buy. Had to take the front end off the dozer to get the radiator out! By the time I was finished for the day every inch of exposed skin was black with soot and grease! Had to scrub my hands for half an hour before I could get them clean enough to wash them. (Stop and think about what I just said! Yeah.)Â I’ll post a picture of the dozer as it is tomorrow.